UPDATE MAY 12, 2023:
The boil water advisory has been lifted.
Issued by the Medical Officer of Health, Manitoba Health and the Office of Drinking Water, Manitoba Environment and Climate
May 9, 2023

Repairs to a line break on May 9, 2023 has led to the loss of water pressure in a portion of the Boissevain distribution system including: Buckingham Street between Stephen Street and McKenzie Street, Boissevain School, 793 Mill Road, 794 McKenzie Street, 784 McKenzie Street, 100 William Street, and the Busy B Drive Inn. Distribution depressurization can compromise the safety of the water supply; therefore, a boil water advisory has been issued to ensure public health protection.
Until further notice, all water used for consumption should be brought to a rolling boil for at least one minute before it is used for:
- Drinking and ice making
- Preparing beverages, such as infant formula
- Preparing food, including washing fruits and vegetables
- Brushing teeth
It is not necessary to boil tap water used for other household purposes, such as laundry or washing dishes. Adults and older children that are able to avoid swallowing the water can wash, bathe, or shower. Young children should be sponge bathed. If boiling is not practical, an alternate and safe supply of water should be used for consumptive purposes; i.e. bottled water. Boil Water Advisory Fact Sheet #1 – Boil Water Advisory For Manitoba Water System Users contains additional information on water use and can be found on the website below.
All commercial, public and permitted facilities (ex: restaurants, health care facilities, day cares, personal care homes and other private facilities that provide food and water services) must follow water use recommendations from the Boil Water Advisory Fact Sheet #3 – Boil Water Advisory For Commercial/Public Facilities. A copy of this Fact Sheet is available on the website below.
To avoid burn injuries from hot water, caution should be taken. Please keep young children away from boiling water. Place kettles and pots away from counter and stove edges.
Please share this information with other people who use the tap water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (ex: renters, tenants, staff, or clients). This notice can also be posted in common areas where people tend to gather.
The Boil Water Advisory will remain in effect until the water supplied by this water system no longer presents a risk to public health. You will be notified when the advisory has been rescinded.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact water system at 204- 534-6942 or the Regional Drinking Water Officer at 204-724-0685, or Health Links at 204-788-8200 (toll free at 1-888-315-9257).
To review Fact Sheets on water use, please go to www.manitoba.ca/drinkingwater or http://www.gov.mb.ca/health/publichealth/environmentalhealth/water.html
BWA Factsheet 1- Residential Water Users