Health Recruitment Fund

Health Recruitment

The Boissevain-Morton Health Recruitment Fund is a recruitment and retention committee that is dedicated to recruitment and retention of health care professionals in the Municipality of Boissevain-Morton. The main function is to provide funding through a grant to qualified individuals to assist with recruitment and retention of these professionals in our community.


Grant Details


• Students currently enrolled in a health care program may apply for financial assistance after completing first year of school. Financial assistance will be a forgivable loan made to the student. In return, the student agrees to work in Boissevain full time upon graduation for an agreed upon period of time.
• Student must meet eligibility requirements, provide proof of enrollment for second year and completed 1st year transcript.
• Be willing to return service for a period of one year for each year of financial assistance.



Recruitment Grant: $3,000
Relocation Grant: $2,000
• Eligible candidates include graduates from recognized school, who are licensed and registered with a college or governing body. Health care professionals such as, nurses, health care aide, physio therapist, occupational therapist, dentist, may be eligible if there is a demonstrated need for this professional in our community. Other allied health care professionals may be considered if a need exists in the community.
• Provide letter of employment and photocopy of Manitoba Registration and License.
• Be willing to return service for a period of two years for recruitment.
• If you choose to relocate to our community within the two years of your agreement, you are eligible to apply for an additional $2,000 Relocation Grant. Relocation would extend your return of service agreement an additional two years. To apply for Relocation portion, please provide a copy of your Manitoba driver’s license with Boissevain address.


How long does the application process take?

• Once your application is received, you would normally receive a decision letter from our office by mail within 4 – 6 weeks.

Click here to download application

How do I submit my application?

Submit application forms and all required documentation to the Boissevain Health Recruitment Committee. Incomplete applications will not be considered and will only further delay processing.

Municipality of Boissevain-Morton
ATTN: Health Recruitment Committee
PO Box 490, 420 South Railway Street, Boissevain, MB
Fax: 204-534-3710